Monday, December 11, 2017

Conclave in Hartford. Theme: Fire and Ice

Well, at least it wasn't Kindred Under the Sea. For Blood's sake people, we are centuries old. Can't we come up with some more original themes?

Yes, darlings, we know, we know, you missed us so desperately. We are here to once more bring some light into your most utterly dreary and desperate un-lives. Try just for a little while to suppress your murder-hate, and try to enjoy it.  We know it's hard, but we have faith in you.  And admit it:  big events just aren't as fun without us.

Let's get on with it! Conclave in Hartford. Once again we all agreed that playing with Demons is bad, mkay.  But you are all here for the fashion, we know we know. We have to admit that Hartford is giving the lovely Baltimore a run for its money in the fashion department! We saw so many pretty things! All the tiaras!! Fashion note - Tiaras are ALWAYS a good idea. Always.

Best Dressed

Crash: Newly minted Archon to Justicar Warwick,  Lillian Townsend dazzled conclave crowds not only with her assertion to Ventrue, Archon Hanover that she has indeed bound several demons, but with her ever fabulous wardrobe.  Night one of the "fire and ice" themed event, she wore this stunning red trained gown that showcased her hour glass figure.  The coat worn over it, while we understand it's a tribute and a talisman of sorts, did some damage to the look.  Overall people, Archon Townsend is a true fashion icon.  Take notice.

Burn: Fuck me! I love this dress! That neckline! That amazing color! The train!! *swoon* Snaps!!! I am totally not sucking up to an Archon here either. Nope.

Crash: Night two, Lillian Townsend opted for "ice", and wore a soft pastel blue satin trained gown with illusion neckline, and a glittering, crystal light-up tiara.  This tiara is the queen of all tiaras.  I wonder if she gets to wear it while stomping demon ass.

Burn: Trains! All the trains! We need a special trains issue, Crash!! That beautiful pale blue just sets off her death white - er, I mean alabaster - skin. Love the tiara. :) The jacket this night beautifully sets off the dress. I would have liked to have seen her shoes tho.

Crash: Ventrue, Hidebrandt from Hartford gave a nod to the "fire" portion of the theme in a red suit that we have seen him in before.  At the last event.  While it still looks good, you can do better.

Burn: A red suit. How risque. How unique. How ho hum. Dearest Hildywhatzit, you should take some notes from your fashion forward brethren from the West Coast. At least you matched the theme.

Crash: Maklavian, and Archon to Justicar Lotharius, Maya Petrova from Baltimore truly embraced the theme with this ruffled, layered  QuinceaƱera /prom dress monster in several shades of synthetic orange organza, and a matching head wrap.  I feel like a lot more could be done with jewelry to add some sparkle.

Burn: That skirt is gorgeous. The outfit needs accessories, tho.

Crash: Let it go!  Let it go!  With this fire and ice theme, I knew someone was going down the Disney cosplay road.  This Malkavian was a shimmering princess.  If you're going to do it, go big,

Burn: Do you want to build a snowman, Crash??! After seeing this version, I sure do! This creation is a vision. Loving it. Loving the train, the color, the jewelry, the headscarf. Beauty.

Crash: The Lovely Ora, a Tremere from Hartford, proves that a classic never goes out of style.  Like a good story, this outfit covers all of the basics, but is still short enough to leave us wanting more.  Poise and a fabulous pair of shoes never hurts either.  Keep doing what you're doing, babe.


Worst Dressed

Crash: Malkavian Primogen of Hartford, Brian Buckley.  What.  The. Ever-loving fuck.

Burn: Wait. That's a Prince??? I thought that was a muppet. Jesus Fucking Christ.

Crash: This whole ensemble, while I appreciate the subtlety of the black to dull orange ombre, the shawl kind of murders it in its sleep.  The necklace however, is what I wish the Malkavian archon had.

Burn: That necklace is the saving grace of this one.Ditch the shaw and it would be a lovely outfit.

Who did "I'm too cool for themes" best?

Crash: Mystery Giovanni was dashing and classic, if a bit of a stereotype.

Burn: Hey Hildywhatzit!! Take note! Perfect from head to toe. Fabulous camel coat, well-tailored power suit, and "I'll totally steal your soul" tie. You lose points; however, for lack of theme.

Crash:  Asian ambassador, Three Jewels Radiant, based in Hartford wore the same thing both nights.  I doubt it was a theme thing, but he generally looks pretty good in his long white coat that is a blend of eastern and western cut and style.

Burn:  I deem his rapper name to be TJ Radiant! Love the blue accents with the white there.

Crash: This guy, in his Dr. Who ensemble.  While the fit of the coat was neat, and had a cool corset back detail that we couldn't quite capture, sometimes I guess there's in jokes we'll just never understand.

Burn: NERRRRRRD!!!! Ahem. But seriously, had he ditched the scarf, this look would have been spot on sexy. Love that coat. That shirt just pops and I love the tie.

 Crash: Sovereign Prince Sunny of Berkeley, California shone as brightly as her name in this out-there, brightly colored, oh-so-bohemian 60s style kaftan. It was one of the more stylish and chic ensembles at the event.  The layers of vibrant orange organza and taffeta underneath added some fiery flair.

Burn: Meow! Ahem! Loving the oversized dress with the gold accents. Snaps. The bandana; however, needed more zing and feels a bit dull with the rest of the outfit.

Crash: Archon Durrett and Prince Armitage having a bro moment in a hallway sporting waistcoats and some great, subtle gentlemen's accessories.  If only Durrett's waistcoat matched the rest of his suit.  Not a huge fan of the contrast.  Armitage's extremely subtle nod to the theme in shades of blue and silver was only outdone by his A+ 19th century style pocket watch chain.  Bonus points if there's a compass or something attached to it instead of a watch.  Unfortunately, we didn't have an opportunity to go through his pockets.  Maybe next time.

Burn: Loving the three piece suits, gentlemen!! Snaps in Z formation!  What would have made it perfection would have been some elements or pins or jewelry y'all love so much to match the theme.


Conclave, something something, Camarilla something something.

 Justicar Maris Strek put a minor boon on the line when she walked by a poker game in progress.  This tiara-wearing kindred won the game.

Blind Item! Apparently, some idiot decided to ask a Josian to name the demons she had killed in the middle of the Conclave! However, smarter people then smacked that shit down.  Tsk.

Blind Item! A Fury set up a table full of crayons and coloring books for the Anarchs to use instead of disturbing the grown up talks. HAHAHA. The Anarchs tried (and failed) to retaliate by playing "Conclave Bingo" the second night.  (Did anyone get the "flips a table" square?)

Blind Item! What Ventrue is stepping out on his Toreador looooover???? Inquiring Minds Want to Know! 

That's all undead dearies! 
We know, we know, you missed us. 
There may be more soon - if you send us some dirt. 


Crash and Burn

OOC PS: Hey. We're bitches in character only. OOCly, we love your costuming so much and it's one of the best things about game. If you find you don't want your picture used, please just drop us a line at and we'll take it down.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Bitches, please.

To our pretenders - aww, shucks.  Imitation is the best form of flattery. We just had wished you had done it better.

Darlings, darlings, we know you have missed us so - but - seriously. SERIOUSLY. Did you actually believe those also-rans who are stealing our thunder was actually the real Crash and Burn?

Tsk. Tsk. After reading their sad little commentary, fully of high and mighty fluffy language, we just have to say wouldn't you rather have "Classic" than "New Coke"?

B.T. Dubs, Rachel D, you're not fooling anyone.   You should have done a bit about yourself. You know we would have.

Let's see how pros do it:


Best Dressed?  Worst Dressed?  A little of Both.

Crash: Gary is always stylish and eye-catching.  The charmer wore his signature white Boa over a somber, and understated black suit.  The black leather gloves add a polished finish.  Isabella Rodriguez of course, dazzled in this color-blocked, black lace-on-white ensemble.

Burn: Okay, so our Pretenders did get ONE thing right. She totes needs earrings with this. Totes! They were wrong about everything else, including the necklace. That's lovely!! Snaps! Prince Gary. Love the boa! So fashion forward!

Crash: Johnny Giovanni, ever the dashing, dangerous presentation.  The black on black on black was broken up by the light stripes on the tie.  I still think he needs a pinkie ring.

Burn: Johnny Giovanni. *love* the tie!  See! I said nice things! I was nice! Ahem. Please don't steal my soul. Seriously. Please don't.

Crash:  Sebastion Han, from Hartford, you didn't even try.  At least your "It's Just Tuesday" look isn't that much of a train wreck.  You can do better.

Burn: Oh, the Ennui of it all. Here we are, so so bored with our unlives, that we must play the most boring game of poker ever. And show how serious we are with rolled up sleeves. Serious face. And Seriously, so boring.

Crash:  Stunning against all that boring black and white, the lovely, golden blonde Emily Freigh looked gorgeous in that drapey red gown.  Next time, pose like you mean it, Emily!

Burn: Brujah clean up so well. Why, dearest fakers, did you pick a sketch that did not show off this beautiful red dress on Emily Freigh.

Crash: Jonathan Hammer has some serious facial hair, and an even more serious hat.  The bowler and the beard remind me of a wild west barkeep.  The bowtie doesn't help, but heaven help us, we've seen worse.  And white gloves always add class.

Burn: Here's how you know it's truly us - so much better sketches! Ahem. Not that we're petty (Shhh! We totally are!) Love the fabulous hat here. The white gloves and scarlet tie are nice but what really makes the out fit is the cane.

Crash:  Elegant cheongsam dress with keyhole mandarin collar on this equally elegant figure (with impeccable posture!).  The slit is a bit high, but we do love a high slit.  Mmmm....

Burn: Okay, let's face facts - this is one sexy number. Meow! Looooooooooove the color. So much. Great Mandarin collar. (That's what it's called, fakers! Not "with Asian flair." Seriously.)

Crash:  What the fudge is even going on here?  You know I love a round-toe platform pump, but that jacket isn't doing any favors to the rest of it.  It's bulky, shapeless, and longer than the skirt, which is um.. awkward when seen from behind.  Bonus points for the funky print on the mini pencil skirt, and the red tights, but seriously?  WTF?  Also, does Katja know this one has her shoes?

Burn: I love this sassy outfit! And our Pretenders got this so, so, so wrong! Shoes!! Look at those fabulous Almost Worthy of Katja Nothing shoes!!!!!

Okay darlings! We know you are so glad to see The Real Us back. And we missed you too. It's been far too long.  Now, go to naughty things so we have gossip to report on.  Look for us (but not really) at Glitter and Gloom!

Finally, for wannabes - "Mess with the best..." and well, you know the rest. Toodles!!!

(the real) Crash and Burn

Monday, April 15, 2013

Glitter and Gloom 2013

My dears, my dears, it is time for the Best Dressed Event of the Season - yes, my Darlings, we are talking about Glitter and Gloom!

Just what is it about Baltimore that makes all the Kindred bring out such fashionable fashions? We almost didn't have any Worst Dressed Entries! (Almost, darlings, almost!)

Dear Mid-West - this how you do a theme!  XOXO love, Baltimore!

Seriously, darlings, seriously. This is how you do a theme for your party. Not crappy Ren Faire but with style. Oh Baltimore, how we love you so. Seriously. Your sense of style and fashion warms our cold, undead hearts. Friday Night's theme was "Clubs Throughout Time" and it was delicious. So many people in truly fabulous club wear through out the ages. Saturday was the Black, White and Silver Screen Ball. To say the fashions were divine is an understatement!

Truly, dear sweet Kindred, look no farther than Baltimore to know how to dress for a party!! We had a plethora of amazing things to bring to you, it was so hard to chose! It was not hard, however, to find Worst Dressed - as we had so few contestants. We did find a few for your viewing pleasure, of course!!

Best Dressed

Crash: This guy had it going on in with is bowler hat, walking stick, french cuffs, and wild west style. It's hard to pull off a walking stick.  Most of the time, people just end up looking like rejects from the set of Lord of the Rings, but  Solomon Bawler, Nosferatu, Harpy of Philadelphia  was simply smashing.

Burn:Gentleman-style! A truly smashing affair. The whole look was perfect, down to the accessories. Love the tie!! Hip hip, cheerio! (That's Victorian for snaps!)

Crash:  Lilah's been real hit or miss this past season.  This year's event in Baltimore was more of the same.  Saturday night, this kitten sported a sleek black dress with a faux leather corset feature that had little black rubber spikes on the shoulders and the front panels.  Just the right amount, too.  With the 50s Marilyn Monroe hair, and the amazing framing on that neckline, Ms. Ashford was elegantly, if dangerously dressed.

Burn: The oh, so lovely Anarch, Lilah Ashford. This amazing dress and corset number totally shows off her assets. Ahem. Love the spike details on the shoulders as well!

Crash: Olivia, Brujah from Hartford had this sweet rockabilly thing happening with her Friday night outfit.  The fabric was inspired by 50s horror comics, and though not captured in the sketch, she had bits of cherry red crinoline peeking out from under that epic circle skirt.  The hair and the earrings frame her face beautifully, and with those strappy shoes, she stood almost six foot four.  Say what you will about tall ladies, but they should never be afraid to rock out with their Amazon selves, and wear heels as high as they want.  Any man who says otherwise has something to compensate for.  I love me some tall ladies.
Burn: Look at those earrings and the hair! I love the swooshy skirt and the colors of the dress. The Jacket just *makes* the outfit. Gorgeous and fun.
Crash: Oz Stevenson, Toreador Harpy of Westchester County, NY might easily have been mistaken for the Wizard.  (There was an entire homage to the cast of the 1939 film running around - more on this later).  He looked dashing in his classic black tie with the enchanting lady in green, Ms. Lilyan Townsend, Toreador  of .. oh wherever she lives now.  Maybe Annapolis.  That emerald satin gown is effortlessly classy with its origami-inspired floral details in matching fabric.  THIS is how it done, people.  THIS.

Burn: Green is apparently Ms. Townsend's color. I love the little accents with Mr. Stevenson's attire, the white pocket square just makes this outfit. Really, Crash, while they look perfectly lovely, compared to the fabulousness and fun outfits of the evening, I am less impressed.
Crash Rook, Toreador Prince of Annapolis on Saturday night looking rather sleek, modern and cut in his black and white ensemble.  This guy makes white look both elegant and easy.  Reclining in a board room chair overlooking the stylish Fell's Point in Baltimore, Prince Rook has it down.

Burn: This makes up for the horrible Hawaiian shirt at Nonclave 2012 event. Seriously! Prince Rook, such a hottie in this gorgeous white jacket. I am going to swoon here.
Crash: Simple, classic strapless dress, with a sweetheart neckline and a fishtail hem draped so beautifully off of the frame of Archon Victoria Hunter.  Take notes, class.  Take notes.

Burn:  Snaps, Archon Hunter!! All of your compatriot Archons who attended were wearing the most boring of suits. You brought some well-needed style to the Archon ranks. Seriously stunning.

Worst Dressed

Crash: Is it Madonna? Is it Lady Gaga?  Nope, just Lena!, Brujah former Prince from Cedar Rapids? in an 80s-inspired ensemble with little lace gloves.

Burn: Oh Lena!  We know you can't see yourself in the mirror, but seriously, hire some ghoul stylists so that you don't make this mistake again. This outfit is like a cross between Holly-Go-Lightly and Pretty in Pink.Seriously! We are officially removing that exclamation point at the end of your name until you learn how to dress better!!! No exclamation points for you!
Crash:  Lilah Ashford, Brujah Anarch from Hartford seems to have something against pants.  Friday night, she wore, um, no pants.  This sequined magenta spandex one-piece paired with 5 inch heels with a one-inch platforms certainly showcased her assets.  Ahem.

Burn:  Lilah, darling, you did so well the next night but Friday club night - woah. Just. Um. Wow.  The hair and the top are divine -- but shortie shorts and stiletos??
Crash: Jane Woodward, Nosferatu from Westchester County, NY in a tangerine orange strapless mermaid gown, hipster glasses, and that ridiculous hat.  Remember what we said about trade marks?  This was not what we meant.

Burn:  The hat... the orange gown? Gawd.Jane, Jane, Jane. Please, for the love of all things, ditch that hat. It's worse than Julius Cole's terrible topper.

 Worst Dressed (and Best Dressed!)- - Our hats are off to the Court of Baltimore -  Tin Man (Samantha Hart - Seneschal), Glenda the Good Witch (Alicia Knight - Keeper), Dorothy (Mercy  - Harpy), but, seriously, Prince Luther Rommel of Baltimore - a "cowardly" medal necklace for your Cowardly Lion costume!! For SHAME. BOOO!!!! This was your super fabulous party! At least put in an effort! The rest of your court went above and beyond to match the Silver Screen theme and looked fantastic. We are sure you could have stolen Prince Tommy Truelove's fur coat and worn that as a costume! Boo!! 

Best Hair

Shoes were so 2012!

This year, my sweet dark things, this year, we will focus on the best hairstyles of the Season - with the big reveal at the end of the year. So far, we have a number of utterly lovely contenders:

Crash: Thick, beautiful twisted interpretation of the simple bun.  The dangly hair sticks add an element of interest.

Burn: I love the elegance of this up-do. Just perfect and shows off that lovely neck and tattoos of hers. Sif Wulfsdottir, Toreador of Baltimore - hats off! :)

Crash:  Faux bangs, Bettie Paige style accented with a little floral fascinatorVery nice.

Burn:  This lovely Rock-a-billy style is being sported by Olivia, Brujah from Hartford. Love it.
Crash:  The deep burgundy curls of Juliette, Toreador Seneschal of Westchester County, NY fall beautifully around her cheekbones in this carelessly elegant updo.  Bravo.

Burn:  This dramatic upsweep with the stray lock is a show-stopper! Love the color! Snaps!


Darlings! While the fashion at G&G was fabulous, that Debbie Downer, Elias Beecher, did some very bad things - and we are not going to give him one more ounce of ink. No more.

It is actually quite hard to focus on Glitter and Gloom, children - entirely because Archons from the Ventrue and Gangrel Offices have completely reset the news cycle!!  Seriously! Seriously!  Did you hear that Archon Luigi Falcone  paid over 120 boons to spend the night with Archon Cecilia Stills?!?  OMG. That must have totally reset the boon market!!

Okay, back to G&G - Darlings! The delicious and apparently irresistible Ventrue Ryan Easley of Portland, Maine, received not one but TWO marriage proposals at Glitter and Gloom! Pompeii Maxius  and Prince Eleanor Deers are going to have to battle it out for Ryan's heart - as Ryan turned them both down!!

We're always looking for submissions. If you saw something great (or something greatly unfortunate) send it out way. Also, in light of the recent silence... We hereby offer to put your party announcements, public cries of outrage and other such things in our humble publication. Hit us up by the usual means.

 Darlings! That is all we have for now! Look for more juicy gossip soon!

Crash & Burn

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Midwinter 2013

Well, well, well, my sweet dark sweethearts, welcome to the Anniversary Issue of Crash and Burn! As always, we start the Season with Midwinter!

And what a Start to the Season! Obviously, this shall be a season to remember!

However, one thing not to remember - this year's theme. Legend of Avalon - oh boy, so high school. So Renaissance Faire, so forgettable.

Best Dressed

Crash: The dashing, daring and dangerous Francis Merivein, Tremere, formerly Archon, now Prince of Chicago, was positively predatory in his two-tone shark skin pinstripe suit with hot pink accents.  Pimp.

Burn:  Wait wait wait. Since when were Tremere allowed to have style?!? All I want to know is whether or not Prince Merivein (who we really need an awesome nickname for - now taking suggestions!) is going to wear shoes as awesome as his predecessor.  However, dear Prince Merivein, we expect greatness out of you, after this fabulous start to your reign. Woo. Snaps in Z formation!

 Crash: The ever-stylish Lady Black, Malkavian, was more Victorian than Arthurian in feel, but the anachronism was a welcome departure from the Kindred day at the Renaissance Faire that was happening all around here.  The black on black sparkle, and the self trim of this bustle-y number was exemplary.

Burn: We heard that Lady Black was yelled at for defending the Camarilla. Scandalous! On the part of those who were yelling. Dearhearts, please, we know you all are just jealous of Lady Black's utterly faaaaaaabulous sense of style.

 Crash:  Adrienne Stratton, Tremere,  took the "Mists of Avalon" theme and wore this wonderfully romantic soft gray velvet and lace ensemble with a Lord of the Rings vibe that had me thinking "Otherwordly Elegance". Well done, Dr. Stratton.

Burn: Love the jewelry. This look (actually, the whole damn theme) is not working for me, mind you, but the lovely Ms. Stratton was a stunning vision regardless.
 CrashMasako Hara channeled Frankie Avalon rather than Mists of Avalon, but it seems a lot of people preferred variations on this hard to nail theme.  Masako sparkled in a gaggle of "Lady-of-the-Lake" wannabes.  Seriously, gotta work on the footwear though.

Burn: Masako, as always, you are a total hottie. Love the fantastic sparkly dress, totally fresh! Sadly, your bit at Midwinter (Japanese girl with curse-words) is a bit tired. You rocked that last year, dearest. New material next year.)
Crash:  In an enchanting blue and white flowing nod in the general direction of theme and period, Rachel Dubhan, the ever-lovely Toreador Harpy from Middle Georgia shows the other bitches how it's done.  Each piece, including the sleeves, is separate. Under normal circumstances, I might say she was trying too hard, but  few others tried at all.  I can't wait to see what she does next.

Burn: Oh Rachel. Beautiful as always. The sapphire blue skirt, the matching embroidery on the sleeves as well as the corset top, the hair, just.. wow. Way to take a horrible theme and make it into a lovely outfit. Snaps in Z formation!

Worst Dressed

 Crash:  Thursday night's theme was "green".  Jean-Claude, Samedi, Harpy of Peoria, was a class act in his green frat boy costume.  Way to keep the Midwest a shining example of what not to do, bro.

Burn: A boa as a hat! What a... interesting idea.
CrashSugarti... Katja Nothing had a rough night. The usually foxy and stylish former Prince instead wore some kind of sports-ball jersey and mostly got led around by the elbow by Jack Sebastien., the other half of Jackja.

Burn: Katja!!!  Where are the shoes!!!!! BRING BACK THE SHOES! Oh, my dear, my dear, this look - so not you. We know you lost your praxis, but pretty please, don't lose your amazing spark.
Crash:  Oh, Tommy, Tommy.  Tommy Truelove, Brujah Prince of Tampa.  We will always love you for your bold style, but this faux fur thing has gone too far.  Skinning stuffed animals and wearing them is a crime against fashion.

Burn: Oooh. Are hippy do-rags a thing now?

Best Shoes

CrashThis lovely lady had the most spectacular Gaga-esque mirror stilettos imaginable.  They were covered in tiny pieces of mirror.  If she isn't a Malkavian, I'm offended.

Burn: Well! That's one way to look up someone's dress! Ahem! Actually, snaps! Those are some sexy, sexy heels, my dear.


Darlings! Darlings! If you were not at Midwinter, you missed a big BANG of an event! And oh, my, what a bang it was! Six Justicars showed up and justice'd and killed Pinky Wheeler and Paul Walker... and then removed Lena! and Katja Nothing from their Praxises. (or is that Praxi?) Ohboy!

The *real* scandal of the evening; however, was how a couple of Archons actually kept the Prince of Milwaukee out of wherever that judicial-ness was happening!  Ooohboy! Feathers flew on that one!

Alright, alright, we lied! We lied! The actual biggest scandal was how many people dropped out of the Roast at the last minute!  Alexander Lazarion, Kate Davidson, Francis Merevein and Gilia Agrippa all dropped out at the last minute! For shame!!

Also of note: notorious bad boy, Elias Beecher tried to kill Prince Murray X, and is now bloodhunted in several Domains, Ambrosio Vasquez de Leon was killed (much to the anger of his clan) by a couple of Archons,  and this year's horrible theme was largely ignored. Thank God. No more Ren Faire!  For serious, Midwest.  Be watching in a few months when Baltimore puts you all to shame and shows you how it's done.  Again.

As always, contact us with you juicy gossip, embarrassing hi-jinx of your fenemies, and fashion dos and dont's across our great land.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Worst of 2012

As a nice little appetizer to our anticipated Midwinter, 2013 issue, here's a little something to play with.

Remember kids, themed events are not a license to forget.
We are watching.
We will make fun of you.

The Nominees for Worst Dressed of 2012

 Crash: Reese, then, Harpy of Milwaukee at Midwinter 2012
 Crash: Apollo from the Twin Cities at Midwinter 2012 in his Goblin King costume.

 Crash: Lena! in this unfortunate plaid dress at Columbus's Grand Elysium in July
 Crash:  Julius Cole, Prince of Philly, and that f@#$%ing hat,  at Columbus's Grand Elysium in July.
 Crash: Tony Maietta, Brujah from Maine at the Atlanta Event in September.
 Crash:  Rook and Harrow from Annapolis at Nonclave's "beach party" in August.
Crash:  Assamite, Quinn from Hartford, CT at the Northeast Event in November.

Well, that's it, darlings! Just a taste to get you ready for Midwinter 2013! And it's a hot, hot issue!

Crash & Burn

(OOC note:  Even though we may be vicious vapid bitches IC, we seriously and honestly appreciate your costuming.  It gives game its energy and fun when everyone brings their A game and wears some of the most amazing costumes, many created by their own hands.  Seriously, kudos to all of you who go the extra mile and make the effort.  Costuming is part of the fun of live action games.  Keep it coming, and we think you are the most daring, courageous, wonderful people that OWBN has to offer.)