Friday, March 30, 2012

Glitter and Gloom Gossip

Yes, yes, we know, we know. You love us for our fashion quips but the real reason you are here is for the gossip. Oh, my darlings, do we ever have some good stuff for you tonight!!

Hot tubs are apparently THE thing in Baltimore! The Toreador (and everyone else) payed tribute to the Camarilla's very own (and sadly now departed) dear harlot, I mean courtesan, Calliope Van Horne, and partied like it was 1999 in her honor. Much in the same vein of her well known (and terribly scandalous and therefore amazingly fun) bachanals, the magic drugs and booze were flowing and everyone was getting drunk and high and making out in the hot tub. Woo! We even caught Prince Vinny Velario and Archon Eva Luna snuggling up to each other in the hot tub. They looked ever so cozy together. Mmmmm. In case you were wondering (and who isn't?), Prince Velario apparently prefers boxers over briefs!

Alas, Prince Tommy Truelove was unable to make that party -- so he brought his own the next night and was oveheard saying, "Woo! I am high on Setite cocaine!" Oh, Tommy. Never change.

Remi Pompeii, er... I mean, Pompeii Magnus apparently has balls of steel as he went up to former Archon Selene Lazarion and told her that her jewelry set off her cleavage. And of course, he did not save cleavage, my dear friends. Oh no, no he did not. Balls of Steel! Ms. Lazarion was unamused and unfazed (we are so surprised!) and simply walked away from Mr. Magnus. :)

Law of threefold

Burn: This little black and white number was fabulous. So fabulous that at least three, THREE, kindred were seen wearing it at the event. We must admit that Sabine Reya, Tremere Sheriff of Westchester, NY wore it best. Love the upswept hair, showing off that pretty neck. Ahem.

Crash: Rachel Dubhan dancing with Saul Good. He looks SO uncomfortable. Kind of looks like the high school shuffle. Wasn't the lovely Ms. Dubhan responsible for the "prom" theme of the Atlanta Gala? Maybe she picked the theme because she knew it came with a familiar dance style.

Burn: He looks like he would rather be fighting the infernal. Or Elias Beecher. ... ahem. :)

"Voxy" - The New Hot Super Couple?

Prince Vinny Velario of Baltimore spent a good deal of his party time with our fav Brujah from New York, Roxy Codone. (Childe of Tommy Truelove, Prince of Tampa). They danced the night away at the most glamorous party of our season. Is there love in the air? Eva! You have a rival!

Roxy even draped her soft, fuzzy shawl over Prince Velario's shoulders, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. She seems to have a talent for getting close to powerful men. Watch out, Prince Velario! And watch out Roxy! Our little birds informed us that Roxy had a Tarot reading and was told that "love will give her some trouble." Oh Vinny! Don't you hurt our dear Roxy!

Here they are again on the dance floor -- Vinny Velario and Roxy Codone carve up the dance floor at Baltimore's Glitter and Gloom. (Midwesties!! THIS is how it's done.) Two of the classiest looking Kindred we've ever laid eyes on.

More Glitter and Gloom Fashion!

Crash: I have no words.

Burn: Such an adorable and goofy little hat from this Nosferatu here; however, Prince Kelly of Leigh Valley, who appeared to be drunk (what were they serving that night at Calliope's memorial??), seemed to mistake this Kindred for a Norse Goddess. Dear Prince Kelly, put down the Setite cocaine and no one gets hurt.

Crash: Archon Erkon Mahir. Fez-tastic. Very Casablanca.

Burn: I do love a man in a stylish hat. Can you be nerdy and fabulous at the same time? Archon Mahir can!! Love the hat-tip to Doctor Who. (That was what he was doing here, right? )

Crash: William Harkness, Tremere Sheriff of Portland, Maine. He may have been shooting for Bogie, but hit Indiana Jones. More pulp than noir, but whatever. It works.

Burn: I am loving the black tie here. I know that our Dear Mr. Harkness lost the Midwinter Poll to Velario; obviously, Mr. Harkness took his loss well and decided to up the ante. Isnt this a bit delicious! Harkness was far more fabulous than Velario was -- at Velario's own party!

Glitter and Gloom 2012

Glitter and Gloom 2012: Crash and Burn's Best Dressed List:

We should title this instead: Dear Midwest -- Learn to fucking dress!! Kisses. Love Baltimore!! To the developers of the Noir theme and the Black and White Ball of the Glitter and Gloom event -- we salute you! The beauty and the fashion was out in spades at Glitter and Gloom and completely put the Mid-West MidWinter event to shame. For shame, Midwesties! For shame! (And yes, we are totally going to call you Midwesties from now on, because we are catty bitches.) This is how one dresses for *the* event of the season. Gorgeous dresses, upswept hair, the jewelry, the perfect make-up, oh, children, it was simply wonderful.

Truly, Glitter and Gloom has put its name on the map as The Start of the Season for the North American Camarilla. So sorry Midwinter! You are now officially second rate!

These sketches are but a taste, a small tiny taste of the pretty we saw at the event. Yes, of course, because we're catty bitches (regardless of our gender and Clan, darlings!) we have some worst dressed contenders as well. More is coming, a new advice column for the lovelorn Kindred!!

(P.S. We are also looking for a few good reporters/catty bitches in other Domains to help us cover more major events. Drop us a line if you're interested!)

Glitter and Gloom Highlights!

Crash: Ekaterina Alescander. Ventrue. Keeper of Annapolis. Backless number with an elegant train. Classic. Gorgeous. A+ Seriously. People should be taking notes.

Burn: I adored this the second I saw it. And the train!! Utterly lovely. Obviously an devotee of haute couture.

Crash: Hara Masako, the ever-elegant Toreador (and former Seneschal of Iowa City, now hailing Kyoto, Japan). Mahvelous. We've been noticing her departure from the more traditional Japanese look, and we're liking it. Classic black Noir wiggle dress with an ever-so-appropriate black rose fascinator with bird cage veiling. With that adorable Japanese accent and the f-me, naughty girl Betty Paige hair do, we're in love.

Burn: Oh Masako, you are lovely and you know it. I love that "adore me" look you have on your face here and you have totally earned it.

Crash: Child of Haqim and Primogen Johnny "Spades" Malone from Baltimore. This guy's got it going on. Definitely channeling Capone wtih that cigar, the hat and the SWANK art deco tie.

Burn: What I adored was the swanky black Fedora with the Ace of Spades in the hatband. Oh, Spades, so clever.

Crash: Roxy Codone, childe of Tommy Truelove, Prince of Tampa from Westchester County, NY. Roxy! A repeat performance of her style and edge that we first noticed you for at Midwinter. You light a fire in our hearts. (And other prominent organs, south of the equator). Even though Remy Pomp-ass (Pompeii Trojan Magnum - or whatever he's calling himself now, was WAY out of line to call your beautiful white wrap a 'dead cat'. He has no taste anyway. Don't listen to him, sweetie. You're beautiful, and you put all those jokers to shame. Dressed to thrill.

Burn: It kinda does look like a dead cat, tho. Ahem. Love you Roxy! Kisses!! And you "rocked" that gorgeous red dress.

Crash: Rachel Dubhan, harpy of Middle Georgia.  Uh-mazing.  Show stopping.

Burn: Oh Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. We adore you so. The hair, the earings, the dress. Swoon. Tres elegante. Our little Miss Rachel Dubhan, harpy of Middle Georgia, we hereby declare you the "It Girl" of Glitter and Gloom. This, children, is just a taste of the lovely she was wearing all through out the event. Three costume changes! All three frocks were to-die-for -- you know, if we weren't dead already. Two snaps! Love it! Expect to see more from her soon!

Worst Dressed

Crash: Harlan, Nosferatu, Keeper of Baltimore. AKA Bizarro Ronald McDonald. Or better yet, the unwanted bastard of Ronald McDonald and the Crow. And a utili-kilt? For real?

Burn: Maybe it was a statement against fashion? Occupy Glitter and Gloom participant? Harlan, darling, this is not Batman. You're a vampire, not a super-hero.

Crash: Remy "Pompeii Magnus" Pompeii dressed like Magnum PI for a Noir themed party. Pompei Magnum. That kind of sounds like a new product from Trojan. I guess this guy is kind of a sperm receptacle.

Burn: I don't think I can top sperm receptacle. :)

Crash: Well, it's black and white.... Even though this Tremere from Atlanta showed up in his PJs, he really knows how to cut a rug. He's a great swing dancer, and had the ladies lining up for a spin around the floor.

Burn: Just say no to pajama bottoms.

Crash: Oh, Masako NO! What have you done?! We know she's trying to branch out from her usual fashion repertoire, but this is just not her best look. We expect better from you. For shame. Cute shoes, though.

Burn: That's about the best I can say for this outfit: cute shoes. Red is so not your color, honey. Unless you're drinking it.

Alrightie, loyal readers and gossip-hounds, we will be back shortly with the best in gossip and fashion shortly. Tipsters! Drop us a line if you want to send us some dirt on your worst enemy or best girlfriend -- or both. :)

Ask Dr. Loveless #1

Lately it seems like all of my friends are getting married or at least have girlfriends and I'm starting to feel like I'm behind the curve or missing out on something. I know a lot of guys who use seduction just to get what they want, and I've done it before too, but never with another vamp. Am I the weird one for thinking it's odd?

Third Wheel

No, it's not odd. A lot of vampires feel the same way as you do, TW. Many of the marriages that happen between kindred couples aren't about love at all, but instead focus on political alliances. Think of it as a mix of Romeo and Juliet meets arranged marriages but with less passion and/or happy endings. Getting married in public can be an excellent way of telling your friends (and enemies) that you have an alliance with your spouse. Thus messing with one of you means messing with both.

We were all mortal once, and in that time many of us experienced love on several levels. Our hearts would flutter, we'd get butterflies in our stomachs, and the endorphins would flow freely. But we're dead now, and those responses just don't happen anymore, at least not naturally.

I'm not saying that every relationship between kindred is false, but, TW, you don't need to feel left out and you're certainly not an awful person for thinking it's odd. If you haven't found that special someone yet, don't try and force it. And if you do have someone you want to allign yourself with, there are other options than marriage. Consider simply backing their political plays with your own name, or making your friendship a commonly known thing. Hire your local Nosferatu to spread rumors of your alliance if you really want it out there.


My BF and I are really close, and normally he's really considerate and sweet to me. Lately though, he's been acting like he doesn't trust me. He's been having the Sheriff follow me and act as my bodyguard and now he's saying that we should share our blood so we can be closer. I'm not sure what to do about his paranoia. How can I help him get past it?

-Feeling Like I'm Suffocating

First and foremost, do not, I repeat, do NOT share your blood with each other. Blood bonding the one you 'love' can have a similar effect as the chemical responses your brain used to have, it can make you feel the kind of love for your chosen that you had for your first crush. It's a powerful drug, but it's a dangerous game that can have disasterous results.

If your mate is trying to force this on you then it might be time to find a different mate, FLIS. You can try talking to him, and setting some ground rules as you reassure him of your loyalty. If he's scared for your safety, then having a bodyguard isn't unreasonable, but he should explain why he wants you to have one and tell you about what he's feeling. Asking you to bind yourself to him isn't something you're comfortable with, and if he can't accept that, then he can't respect your rules, and you deserve someone who will.

If you're afraid of what he will do to you, or that he will try to force this on you, then you need to get out now. Don't take the risk and find yourself brainwashed or bloodbonded into loving him.


I've been having an affair with a powerful Kindred a few cities over, and it's been hot as hell for us. We have a similar libido and we're into the same kinks. Only problem is we're not in the same sect. I don't want to out him and he doesn't want to out me, but neither of us is willing to change sides just for sex. Should we keep meeting in secret and hope we don't get caught or is it time to call it off for good?

Hot and Heavy

HAH, cross-sect (and sometimes cross-clan) relationships can be tricky, and if it's not for anything more than sex? I'd say end it before you find yourself dead. You can find another sexual partner that will get your motors running without risking your lives.

Have a question for Linda Loveless? Need advice? Send a text to (316)555-0121 ((ooc: The phone is a burn phone with no traceable owner, send actual IC correspondence/texts to